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Asset 39.png
Rugby's Room
Sebastian's Room
Asset 36.png

[Scene: A cozy coffee shop. The ambient noise of light chatter and coffee machines in the background. Rugby and Stephanie are sitting across from each other, nursing cups of coffee. Rugby seems a bit nervous, but his eyes are focused on Stephanie.]

(leaning forward slightly)
You know, Steph... I’ve been thinking a lot lately. About life, about what I want... and about you.

(slightly curious)
Oh? What’s been on your mind?

A lot of things. But mostly, it’s how much I care about you. (pauses, smiles nervously) I feel like I’ve been holding back, but... I can't anymore. I need you to know how much you mean to me.

(softly, teasing)
Rugby... You’re being all serious on me. What’s going on? What’s in that head of yours?

(slight chuckle)
I know, I’m not usually the serious type. I’m more about the action, you know? Business, sports, always moving. But you? You’ve made me stop and think. And I realize, it’s not just about what I do, it’s about who I’m doing it for. And the answer to that... is you. (leans in a little closer) I love you, Steph. I really do.

(eyes soften, touched but still playful)
Rugby... You’ve never really been one to show your emotions. (teases) I’m surprised you're not trying to sell me on some business idea right now.

(laughs, relaxing a bit)
You know me too well. (grins) Honestly, it’s funny... I get fired up about business, right? Like, it’s this big game to me. The strategy, the hustle, making the right moves. But with you? (smiles genuinely) There’s no strategy. I don’t need a plan, I don’t need a pitch—I just know you’re what I want.

(softly, her smile widening)
That’s... really sweet, Rugby. And kind of rare, if I’m being honest. So... what’s this about business and sports? You’re telling me you’re making the “big play” now?

Yeah, I guess you could say that. Sports? I’ve always loved the competition, the team dynamics. You give everything you’ve got and still hope it’s enough. It’s the same with business in a way—pushing through the challenges, finding the right opportunities, taking risks. But with you, it’s different. It’s not about winning or losing. It’s just about being... together.

(quietly, more serious now)
That’s really beautiful, Rugby. I didn’t know you felt like that. Honestly, I didn’t expect to hear that from you. (pauses) I love you too.

(eyes lighting up)
You do?

(nods, with a smile)
I do. You’re my favorite kind of chaos. Always running around with ideas and passion... And I like it. It’s contagious.

(grinning, relieved)
Good, ‘cause I don’t plan on slowing down anytime soon. But I guess, with you by my side, I wouldn’t mind playing a little bit of a different game... one where I’m not just trying to win for myself.

Well, as long as it’s a fun game, I’m in.

It’ll definitely be fun. But we’re gonna need a great team... and lucky for me, I’ve got the best teammate right here.

[Scene fades as they laugh and share a quiet, genuine moment together.]

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